Better healthcare for better lifestyle

Redefining Surgical Excellence

Emergency Cases

At Tirumala Hospitals, we understand that emergencies can be overwhelming. Rest assured, our dedicated team is here to provide you with prompt and compassionate care, 24/7.

Find Us Everywhere

Welcome to Tirumala Hospital, where care meets compassion. We’re dedicated to providing top-notch medical services with a personal touch. Explore our state-of-the-art facilities, meet our expert team, and discover how we’re making a difference in healthcare.


Our mission is to deliver top-tier healthcare across all medical specialties at accessible rates. We prioritize quality, exceptional service, empathy, and individual respect in every aspect of our care.

Driven by our commitment to excellence, we are perpetually exploring avenues to enhance patient care. This entails refining our hospital management infrastructure while also maintaining strict control over patient costs.

Why Tirumala Hospitals ?

With state-of-the-art infrastructure, a highly skilled medical team, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Tirumala Hospitals steadfastly pursues its mission to deliver exceptional care and cutting-edge treatment modalities to patients.

Happy Patients
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Strong Clinical Team
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Surgeries Performed
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Our Optimistic Team

Dr. Ramesh Reddy

General Surgeon 

Dr. Vijaya Reddy


In Case Of Emergency Call


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Shaun William

Voluptas primis, nam, tempore magnam sodales cupidatat quasi maiores eiusmod dolores quidem! Phasellus neque scelerisque. Magna autem, accusantium nascetur litora.

Mary James

Voluptas primis, nam, tempore magnam sodales cupidatat quasi maiores eiusmod dolores quidem! Phasellus neque scelerisque. Magna autem, accusantium nascetur litora.

William Scott

Voluptas primis, nam, tempore magnam sodales cupidatat quasi maiores eiusmod dolores quidem! Phasellus neque scelerisque. Magna autem, accusantium nascetur litora.



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